Get In to Football campaign launched

New Zealand Football is pleased to launch the Get In to Football marketing campaign which is focused on creating greater engagement and sharing stories of Kiwis’ love for football at all levels.

Get In to Football is a community-focused campaign which will be run by New Zealand Football, the seven federations and hundreds of clubs throughout the country over the next three years to promote the five key portfolios within the beautiful game – football (playing), girls and women’s football, futsal, coaching and refereeing.

The campaign aligns with the New Zealand Football strategic priorities of more Kiwis loving and playing football and our elite teams winning on the world stage by creating a hero brand which links these two objectives. It also aligns well with FIFA’s new vision which is to promote the game of football, protect its integrity and bring the game to all.

New Zealand Football Marketing and Events Manager Ashleigh Cox says the Get In to Football campaign will provide opportunities for those who may not already be involved in the sport and to those who are interested in upskilling into different areas of the game.

“If you are born and bred here or a new New Zealander, for many the round ball is one thing people can relate to as football is a global game, played, coached and officiated by 250 million people in over 200 countries around the world,” Cox says.

“We want to be able to share this experience here in our own backyard and ensure our game is enjoyed by everyone.”

Cox says the aim of the Get In to Football campaign is to encourage more people to get involved in football whether it is playing, coaching or officiating.

She says football is a sport which does not discriminate against age, gender, ability, race or religion and can be played by anyone.

“Football brings the world together. Here in New Zealand we want to ensure there is a range of opportunities on offer across the country to be part of our sport, both on and off the field, and provide enjoyable experiences for all.”

Cox, who played at a high level herself, representing New Zealand at age-group level, says winning on the world stage starts with a strong grassroots foundation, a clear pathway and support along the way.  

Without good coaches, New Zealand Football will be unable to develop good players and without good referees it is difficult to create an environment which prepares our players for the professional environments overseas. 

The Get In to Football campaign aims to encourage more New Zealanders to give football a go and provide opportunities throughout New Zealand to support the pathway to the world stage for those interested.

New Zealand Football has created a website - which can be found at - for those looking to get involved in football at any level.

The website is easy to use with the user having the option to select from one of the five key portfolio options. From here they will have access to more information on that specific portfolio and a direct link to their local federation’s website to get more information on how to get involved in their local area.

New Zealand Football also produces a fortnightly Get In to Football Newsletter which puts a spotlight on the community news in the five key areas and keeps the football community up to date with news at a grassroots level.

Cox encourages people of all ages to get in to football. After playing the game for over 20 years at a range of levels, she says football has helped her a huge amount, both on and off the field.

“The people you meet, the places you go and the lessons you learn along the way will help shape you as a person," she says.

"The friendships made through playing football are lifelong, the coaches and mentors involved will leave a lasting impression on how you see things in the world. The opportunities are endless.”

Get in to Football

What: Marketing campaign which is focused on creating greater engagement and sharing stories of Kiwis love for football at all levels.

For more information or to register for football please visit:


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