To Dean Aplin, football is more than just a sport; it is a tool for growth, resilience, and community.
As 2024’s McDonald’s Coach of the Year, Aplin’s philosophy on youth development goes far beyond drills, tactics, and game-day victories. Instead, he views the field as a space for children to discover their strength, their voices, and their sense of belonging.
“I've always held strong to the thought that 'it takes a village to raise a child', so coaching and mentoring young children is something I consider as me giving back to our 'village'.”
Aplin believes football to be a catalyst to help our tamariki find a sense of belonging within their community.
“Building community helps young people to feel a sense of belonging. A belonging to the whenua, to their peers and wider whānau, and the wairua of place. A place they can stand strong, tall and grow roots. A tall kauri tree within Tāne’s forest.”
Article added: Friday 17 January 2025
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