Updates to National League Match Week 2 fixtures

New Zealand Football can confirm the following changes to the National League Match Week 2 fixtures:


Central League

The fixture between Napier City Rovers and North Wellington has been postponed due to an outbreak of COVID-19 in the Napier City Rovers squad. The postponement was requested by Napier City Rovers and approved by New Zealand Football.


Southern League

The fixture between Cashmere Technical and Nelson Suburbs, originally to be played at 12.45 pm on 2 April has been postponed due to an outbreak of COVID-19 in the Nelson Suburbs squad. The postponement was requested by Nelson Suburbs and approved by New Zealand Football.


The fixture between Coastal Spirit and Selwyn United, originally to be played at 12.45 pm on 3 April has been postponed due to an outbreak of COVID-19 in the Coastal Spirit squad. The postponement was requested by Coastal Spirit and approved by New Zealand Football.


Details of the rescheduled fixture will be confirmed in due course.


Article added: Thursday 31 March 2022, updated 1 April 2022


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