New Zealand Football’s aim of achieving at least 40 per cent female representation on its Executive Committee has now been reached after the first year of Johanna Wood’s term as New Zealand Football President.
The move follows a positive trend of female leadership emerging in football across the country with two of the seven New Zealand Football Federations now being chaired by females and having reached more than 40 per cent female representation on their boards already.
The newly-elected members to the New Zealand Football Executive Committee include Jannine Mountford, Bob Patterson and former Football Fern Sarah Gibbs, who were all welcomed into the fold at today’s Annual Congress. Mike Killick confirmed his retirement from the Executive Committee after serving for four years.
“Each of the new members brings a unique set of skills to the Executive Committee and we are fortunate to have them on board,” Wood says.
“On behalf of the Executive Committee, I would like to thank Mike Killick for his service to New Zealand Football and his contribution to the game.”
In addition to the election of the new Executive Committee members, the Annual Congress also included approval of the 2019 financial statements, as well as other regulatory and judicial matters.
The 2019 Annual Report was also presented and can be viewed by clicking here
New Zealand Football was able to announce a solid financial position with reserves now totalling $6.1 million. Operating revenue increased to $13.6 million while expenditure rose by $0.6 million from 2018 due to increased international activity.
“Like all sports, football will be challenged by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic but our community is resilient and we will bounce back from this,” New Zealand Football CEO Andrew Pragnell says.
The Executive Committee of New Zealand Football is now comprised of the following members:
Johanna Wood (President)
Garry Carnachan (Vice-President)
Paul Cochrane
Rakesh Naidoo
Scott Moran
Andrew Bowater
Jackie Barron
Jannine Mountford
Bob Patterson
Sarah Gibbs
Article added: Thursday 28 May 2020
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