NZ Football announces changes on ExCo

New Zealand Football President Deryck Shaw has today announced his resignation from the NZ Football Executive Committee (ExCo).

Mr Shaw was elected to ExCo in November 2014, as the President of the governing body in June 2015 and was re-elected in May this year. He felt the time was right to step down as the New Zealand Football ExCo looks to implement the recommendations of the Independent Review, following discussions with ExCo earlier in the week.

“It has been a privilege to lead New Zealand Football over what has been both a successful, but also a challenging period in its 126-year history,” says Mr Shaw.

“I have decided that it is appropriate at this time that I resign from my role as President, to allow football to move forward. This is my decision as the head of the organisation and it is the right thing to do.”

Mr Shaw said while the Independent Review has been the main focus in football in recent times, there are many great people and outcomes being achieved week-in and week-out in the game.

“I would particularly like to acknowledge and thank New Zealand Football staff and the Federation staff, volunteers, coaches, referees and players who deliver the game to a very high professional standard,” he says. 

“I have immense respect for New Zealand Football staff and the work that they do for football, and wish management and ExCo well for their work ahead.”

Mr Shaw re-iterated his expectation that ExCo and management will work closely with the football community to implement the Review’s findings and its 22 recommendations. He also hoped that they would follow-up on the eight focus areas that emerged from the recent football summit.

In receiving Mr Shaw’s resignation, ExCo today appointed Vice President Phil Barry as Acting President, until the next Congress in 2019.

On behalf of ExCo and NZ Football staff and members, Mr Barry thanked Mr Shaw for his service to the organisation and his contribution to football over the past four years.

“Deryck has invested a huge amount of his time for the game in both New Zealand and Oceania. We thank him and his family for his service commitment to the game and wish him all the very best for the future,” says Mr Barry.

Mr Barry was elected to the NZ Football ExCo in November 2014 and was elected as Vice President in May this year.

He is the Chair of the New Zealand Football Finance Committee and has brought significant governance skills and financial acumen to ExCo in the past four years. Mr Barry is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors, a Director of Wellington Water and a member of the International Monetary Fund’s Panel of Fiscal Experts. He has been actively engaged in football for over forty years as a player, coach, manager and governor of the game, including as Deputy Chair of Capital Football.

Mr Barry confirmed that ExCo will meet over the coming days to develop an action plan for implementation of the review’s recommendations. ExCo will be working closely with the management team at New Zealand Football to rebuild the trust and engagement among players, staff and key football stakeholders.

The New Zealand Football ExCo also confirmed the resignation of Jon Ormond.

Article added: Friday 12 October 2018


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